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We will also begin working with how to ask and answer questions in Spanish.

  • Descubre I 1.1 Quiz Repaso Articulos, Gender with Nouns Spanish 1 ProfeRuddock This goes over some ways to use Hay as well as the answers to the entry task using question words.
  • Descubre I 1.1 Los Articulos y Los Sustantivos Practica This is a short lesson where we reinforce the meaning of the new sustantivos (the orange column on page 38) We also practice on the whiteboards changing the nouns from singular to plural and definido to indefindo.
  • Descubre I Lección 1 Los días de la semana y los meses del año TBDThis is a video to review the days of the week and the months of the year in Spanish.We also recorded two songs for the days of the week and one for the months of the year to help remember the vocabulary for each.
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  • Descubre I Lección 1 Contextos Profesora Ruddock TBD This is a flashito review for the key introductory vocabulary in Lección 1.
  • Descubre I Lección 1 Palabras Interrogativas Profesora Ruddock TBD This is a flashito review for the useful classroom phrases.
  • Descubre I Lección 1 Frases útiles Profesora Ruddock TBD This is a flashito review for the useful classroom phrases.
  • I thank you for your help in this endevor. PLEASE DO PROVIDE ME WITH FEEDBACK! This is a major job to keep this updated so please do let me know if you find an irrelevant or lame video and I will delete or we will re-record.

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    Use the videos to catch up when you are absent, to reinforce what you hear in-class or to study for quizzes and tests. Then you will be notified whenever I add a video. YouTube Videos are all on a Spanish I Playlist that you are welcome to follow. Ruddock is working to create YouTube videos for all key lessons for each section of each chapter.

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