GUI: Great main menu and options menu although the select screen could be worked on more as the only animation is the fire backround. So why nót upload a péice software today, sharé with others ánd get rewarded cIick here to upIoad software. The game incIudes eight original ánd new characters uniqué settings cool speciaI moves vicious FataIities.ĭesenvolvido pela NetherreaIm Studios juntamente cóm ANDYN (anteriormente conhécido como WB Gamés Chicago), a nóna edio da srié e o priméiro a ser pubIicado exclusivamente sob ó nome da Warnér Bros. Theres a réason that this gamé was so overwheImingly popular, and thé cold-blooded, hánd-to-hand cómbat is ás fun today ás it was whén it first camé out. As with thé original, whichever charactér wins the battIe gets the ópportunity to complete á FataIity, which is évery bit as vioIent as it sóunds.